Optical Coherence Tomography

Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a new, non-invasive technology used for imaging the retina (back of the eye).


This technique is very effective in helping to diagnose and guide treatments for a broad variety of retinal diseases. The OCT images will allow the retinal specialist to detect eye conditions and diseases in their early stages, in order to provide the best treatment options for the preservation and restoration of vision.

The procedure includes the following: the patient will sit in front of the machine with their head positioned on a chinrest. They will look straight ahead at a green star-like crosshair. Then the patient will be asked to keep their eyes still, without blinking, during a retinal scan. OCT testing takes less than one minute per eye; it is completely painless and non-invasive. Results are available instantaneously and patients are able to view their own scans to help them understand their retinal disorder. Optical coherence tomography shows cross-sectional images of the retina at high resolutions and can often be used in place or in combination with more invasive eye tests, such as retinal angiography.

OCTs are commonly used in evaluating the relationship of the retina and vitreous in the following disorders: Vitreomacular Traction Syndrome, Macular Holes, Pre-retinal Membranes, Age-related Macular Degeneration, Diabetic Retinopathy, Macular Edema, and Optic Nerve Damage. It is also very useful in monitoring the retinal structure before, during, and following active treatment.